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Lhasa Apso allergies

18 15:41:34

HI Doctor, I have a two year old Lhasa Apso who suffers from allergies which causes dry skin, scratching, hair loss, and constant licking of legs, paws, etc.  He currently is given an injection every month at the vet, which eases the symptoms.  Is there any long term side effects of this injection (not sure of the drug), and is there an alternative to this treatment?   Thanks!  

There are many alternatives.  First off, the monthly shot can be replaced with daily or every other day low dose cortisone tablets if the dog can tolerate them. That is a better way of controlling the amount iof itchiness in your dog.  In addition, adding Omega3 fatty acids to the dog's diet will help prevent the skin reaction to allergens.  Allergy testing and immunization is available as well as a new drug called Atopica.  Bathing allergic dogs frequently and using conditioning sprays helps to remove allergens from the skin.  And finally, dogs that are allergic scratch from secondary bacterial and yeast infections on their skin, so these need to be identified and treated.