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dog health after having puppies

18 15:47:52

She had puppies 3 days ago and the hole in her vagina area is like a huge tear. This is her 3rd set of puppies. She is 7 years old. Will this heal soon or will infection set in? -------------------------
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Question -
I just wanted to know what might have happened to my dog after she delivered 8 puppies.  She has a large hole in her private area and it is swollen really bad.  She doesn't have a whole lot of milk either.  Anything you could say would be helpful
Answer -
Hi Robin,

is this your FIRST litter of puppies? When did she have the puppies?

Of course its going to take a while for her vagina to shrink back to 'normal' size. It just does not snap back.

Feed her high protien diets. BUT I do advise to you take her to the vet if she is not producing milk.  In the meantime you can bottle feed the puppies.

Hi Robin,

thanks for more information.

sounds like she needs to make a trip to the vet for some possible vaginal repair. Like women, some dogs do tear, and need some help with the healing process. Yes, an infection can set in if you are not careful.

This could be a reason why she is not producing milk.