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Aging pug

18 15:22:20

Have an almost 14 yr old male pug that has always had a good appetite, that is until the last day or so. He ate some yesterday (not as much as normal) but really didn't eat at all today. He also had a dark almost tarry poo. I plan to get him to the vet when they open after the holiday weekend, but can you advise on what may be the cause of this and if there is anything I can do to help him until I can get him to the vet.


I am sorry to hear that your Pug is so ill Morgan. I think what concerns me the most is his stool. Another dark and tarry can be a sign of blood coming from somewhere along the digestive tract. If it looks like coffee grounds it usually comes from the stomach but the more tarry it looks then that usually means it's coming from the small intestine.

You could offer him a little boiled ground turkey and boiled rice mixed together because it is bland and won't make him worse.
If he won't eat there isn't a lot you can do but coax him with that or mince up some boiled chicken breast and mix that with some boiled rice.
Make sure he is getting some water into him.

14 is very old for a dog and while pug's usually do live that long it is still very old. His body might just be at the point of breaking down now.
I am glad you are getting him into the vet's as soon as you can.
Try to get some of the turkey/rice down him and see how he does. You might also get some chicken or lamb baby food for him too.

Please let me know what the vet finds on Tues.
Enjoy him while you can Morgan. Love him up.