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Cat Fleas

18 14:09:08

Do you possibly know of any way I can get rid of fleas on my cat(s) naturally, without causing any harm?  I know essential oils can be dangerous, and I don't want to use commercial flea drops, as I am concerned about my cats licking it off of each other.

flea pyramid
flea pyramid  
It's pretty impossible to kill off fleas without some sort of chemical or hormone.
We use Program for cats, which is a product that is a natural flea hormone. But what this hormone does is sterilize the adult fleas.

So when the adult flea bites your cat (whom you have given the pill, liquid or had injected with the Program), the flea ingests the hormone (which is harmless to humans and cats) and then lays sterile eggs. These eggs fall to the floor but will never hatch. The flea passes feces, which also falls to the floor, and the larval stages of fleas that are all over, deep inside your carpets and rugs, eat this feces, and they then become unable to spin a cocoon, to morph into an adult, so then they die.

This one hormone will then eliminate two of your major flea problems- the eggs and the larvae.
The only thing that cannot be touched by the hormone are the fleas inside the cocoons, waiting to hatch. Once they do hatch into adults, they will feed again on your cats and become sterile. Since you have already killed off all of the other fleas, once these adults die, your house and cats become flea free.

I have been using a product called Sentinel, which combines Program and heartworm preventative together for over 15 yrs and none of my pets have any fleas.

Sentinel is a bit hard to get right now but it will become more available come April. For now I would start them on Program and get a bottle of Ovitrol Flea Plus spray to help knock down the adults. It also has an IGR in it as well (insect growth regulator, which is what the Program has in it).

Here are some links to read about the real problem with fleas:

I'm also including a flea pyramid so you really see where the problem lies.

I would get some Program if you can find it right away. If you start on it now, you could be flea-free by Summertime!!