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Hi there Hilary!What do you...

18 16:05:35

Hi there Hilary!What do you do for a cat or dog with any broken bone besides take it to the vet?
Also,can you tell me all about cat and dog nutrition,behavior,top 10 breeds,pregnancy and more general care.I will be sure to rate you since you are taking the time to answer this question!Thanks again,
                 Amanda, Amber

Hi girls!  Well, unfortunately, a dog or cat with broken bones HAS to see a veterinarian. The reason being, they more than likely will need the break set, and splinted.  Also antibiotics will be needed as to ward off any possible infection.
Cat and dog nutrition:
Cats need cat food and dog's need dog food.  Cat's need a higher level of protein in their diets than dogs do.  The general foods include meats, brown rice, omega 3 fatty acids, and vegetable meal.  There are alot of less than desirable foods out on the market today that have "fillers" in their foods.  These fillers introduce preservatives, by-products (chicken beaks and feet), corn meal, ect.  The preservatives often work as carcinogens and can cause cancer, as they have in labratory animals.  The corn meal can cause allergies and the by-products...are well, just gross!  I personally do not feed my animals anything that I would have a problem putting in my mouth!  I get holistic natural foods with no preservatives or fillers.  Boiled chicken and hamburger are also great for them as well.
Cats are very independant, yet very intelligent and soulful animals.  They are sweet and curious and playful.
Dogs are also sweet and playful...more dependant than cats and very eager to please.
Any sort of behavioral problem, like aggression, urination in the house or outside the litterbox, ect., should be checked out by a veterinarian, as this can indicate an underlying health problem.
Often breeds that are marked "Aggressive", truly can be wonderful loving just depends on who is raising them and how.
Top 10 Breeds:
Although I truly can't give you an accurate response to this question, as this is a personal preference because all dog breeds have different qualities enjoyed by many different people, I can give you my top ten!
Shih Tzu - I have one hehe. He's adorable, lazy and sweet.
Labrador Retriever- Smart, loyal, friendly and playful.
Golden Retriever- Smart, gentle, loyal and friendly
Great Dane-The Gentle Giant..need i say more?
Pug- happy go-lucky little dogs...big personality!
Mastiff-wonderful, big babies. Smart and playful.
Border Collie- the smartest dog breed, very loyal and playful
Old English Sheepdog-big and playful, loyal and friendly
Collie-smart, playful, loyal and friendly
Bearded Collie- smart, playful, loyal and friendly
Cats and dogs need veterinary care during pregnancy.  Blood work needs to be done to make sure there are no deficiancies present, x-rays need to be performed to estimate the amount of kittens/pups in the litter, their placement and to make sure everything is developing properly.  Vitamins and supplements are also prescribed to the pregnant cat or dog to ensure that no deficiancies develop.  A cat's gestation period is 63-67 days, as a dog's is 58-62 days.  Cat litters usually have anywhere between 3-9 kittens.  Dog's have a range of 1 (Chihuahuas only have one pup per pregnancy) and 21 (the largest litter, given birth to by a Labrador).
General Care:
Unfortunately, alot of people believe that animals are just animals.  This, to me, is not true.  My husband and I have a dog, 5 cats, 3 ferrets and two birds. They are like our children!  Any domesticated animal needs human contact, love and care to live a happy healthy life.  They depend on us!  Fresh water must be present at all times.  I free feed my animals, meaning their is always dry food in their bowls.  Cats should always be free fed their dry food.  Dogs usually have a set time where they get two meals per day.  My dog thinks he's a cat, so I have to free feed him or he thinks he's getting jipped hehe.  Toys and playtime are also very important to pets.  This helps their motor skills and coordination and is truly a pleasing activity for them.  Dogs love walks, which are great to keep them in shape.  Cats love things like "Cat Trees", where they can climb up high, window seats so they can enjoy bird watching, ect.  Mostly all of them love cuddle time.  You can imagine when I sleep at night...the 5 cats and dog have the entire bed and my husband and I are curled up in corners hehe.  Training your dog proves to be beneficial.  Housebreaking can be a grueling task, but with patience and kindness, this can be acheived very quickly.  Cats, when kittens are just set in the litterbox, and their instinct takes over.  After being shown once, they will always go into the litter box.  Amazing isn't it?
I hope that this has been helpful.  If there is anything I didn't cover, please, feel free to write again and I will answer anything you need me to, and narrow it down to specifics for you.
Have a great weekend!