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puppys left leg fractured

18 14:48:44

Don't know what to do?
i think my pyppy's leg is fractured or broken i don't know
we can't afford to take him to the vet... he is about 3 months old.
He can't put his front left leg straight he like bends towards hisself
he can walk on it but he can't put it straight like his other leg.

First of all, how did he injure his leg? And secondly, there are many ways to pay for a vet visit. There is care-credit, which is made for people like you that don't have the cash, there is pet insurance, there are friends and family to help out.

Owning a pet is a responsibility and that includes medical care. Puppies are not toys. If they break, they are in pain like you and me and need care and fixing. The truth is Jessica, that if you cannot afford medical care for a puppy then you should find it a home that can afford and are willing to take care of this puppy and have him looked at.

You wouldn't let a child go without medical care- I know you wouldn't. It is neglect. Well, according to the law, when you do this to a puppy, a dog, a cat, a bird, it's still neglect.

So please find a way to get your puppy in to see a vet before there is permanent damage done to his leg.
I don't mean to lecture you but you have to understand that we cannot "fix" your dog over the internet- we can only tell you that he needs to see a vet and right away.

So please find a way to get him in to see a vet.