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14 year old cat suddenly walking hunched

18 15:08:53

Hi, My 14 year old cat is in relatively good health.  Yesterday out of the blue, she started walking with a hunch in her back, like she cannot straighten out.  I will take her to a vet this week, but wondered what might cause this and can I do anything till she sees the vet to help her.
Thank you very much,

I really don't know Sylvia, but I can tell you that when an animal walks that way it is a sign of something hurting inside. We have seen them walk this way when they have a gut ache, a back ache or their kidneys are bothering them. She could have a muscle spasm in her back too. Some cats get a neuritis in their spine which can cause this hunching.
It is good that you are taking her in.

Other than watching her water intake and urine output to let the vet know how they are, there isn't anything you can do but keep her inside and warm.
I hope she recovers soon. I have a 14 yr old cat myself. Please let me know how she does.