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small bump under skin behind nipple

18 16:05:47

I have a 9 year old datsun. she has never been breed and i haven't had her fixed. i just noticed a small bump under her skin behind one of her nipples. could you tell me what this might be. she acts normal and like nothing is bothering her. she is still just as playful as ever. thank you for your time.

Hi Melanie! When a female dog is spayed, it reduces her chances of developing mammary tumors and uteran cancer by 98%. When a lump in the mammary area is found on an unspayed female dog, it is more than likely a mammary tumor. This needs to be checked as soon as possible by your veterinarian. This may or may not be cancerous, therefore, getting it checked right away will prove to be beneficial. Your veterinarian will palpate the lump, feeling to see the size, whether or not it's attached internally or just beneath the skin. He/she will then perform a fine needle aspiration. This is a painless procedure, where the veterinarian takes a very fine needle, penetrates it into the lump, and extracts cells from the lump. These cells are then studied under a microscope to determine what kinds of cells they are...cancerous? or not cancerous? If they do come back as cancerous cells, your veterinarian will then have to remove the lump. The lump may need to be removed anyway, even if it is not cancerous, as it may develop into a cancerous tumor. Getting this taken care of as quickly as possible will be best, as if this is a cancerous tumor, your veterinarian will most likely be able to get it all out at this point in time. If waiting any longer to do so, if this is cancerous, it will grow. The more it grows, the less chance there will be of recovery. Daschunds are very sturdy little dogs and it is not uncommon for them to live to the ripe old age of 18 years old. Looking at it this way, your dog has only lived half of her life, so putting her through a surgery to remove this tumor would be more than beneficial to not only her, but you too, as your friend will be healthy once again and will be your companion for many more years.
I hope that this has been helpful. If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask!
Give that little doxie kisses for me!