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1front/1hind leg poralisis ina dog

18 14:37:45

I have a 9 year old Hairless Chinese crested dog, nt male, 12.7 pounds who developed paralysis in BOTH his right front and right hind legs suddenly. He was fine in the morning and when I came home from work he couldn't bare any weight on either of those legs. the poor boy was exhausted from trying to stand and had rug burned his front leg front his toes to past his knee (right side.) and also his right hind on his toes. I promptly called our Vet and went right there. The Vet could not find any cause other then a small amount of pain upon turning his neck to the left. My dog, Percy did have DEEP pain reflex in both his right front and right hind (but only if pinched really hard)and did not correct when his toes were curled under while in a standing position. Percy could not stand without support. (he was very tired and a bit shocky) the vet did not do x-rays as she felt it would be too stressful for Percy at this time. A steroid was prescribed (pregnazone sp?)
I took him home and made his a full body suit with 'handles' on the front and hind ends to support Percy. After about 5 days he is able to walk around with mild support and is in great spirits. He still will walk on his front knee at times but he now mostly walks properly (pad down). I have stopped using the front leg brace (i made) and now just keep his leg wrapped (to protect his skin) his rug burns are almost healed up. I have been very careful to encourage leg movement and let Percy bare weight.
I am so happy he is improving.

My question is... what could have caused this?

My vet says he might have pinched a nerve in his neck. I am unable to find any info on this type on injury... effecting BOTH one front leg and one hind leg ONLY. There was no other weakness;s noted (thankfully!). his bowel/bladder have been normal as is his eating/drinking habits. (ok, it did take a couple of days for Percy to get the hang of being in a full body sling but he has that down pat now!)He did cry out a few times but I have not been able to locate any actual place he is sore.

sorry this is so long... but my Percy means the world to me!

thank you for your time

Judy and Percy Perfect!

ANSWER: I am glad that Percy is doing much better. A pinched nerve, slipped disc is most likely the cause of something like this, although ticks can cause a paralysis as well, just not usually one-sided.
Prednisone is the drug of choice for most vets when they see a case like this. It takes down the swelling and helps the nerves to heal that way.

There are many causes of temporary paralysis that it would be hard to list them all. Blockages of arteries, slipped discs, tumors of the spine, nerve conduction issues, spinal issues, brain disturbances, so many things can cause this.

As long as he is progressing then concentrate on that and he will do fine. Rug burns can be very serious for dogs because of the bacteria they can get into, so make sure those are covered and the bandages changed daily.

I hope he makes a complete recovery.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Hello, Thank you for taking the time to reply to me. Percy has made some improvements, he can walk fairly well and he is pottying regularly. I am still using his body sling as he will still topple over at times. He just does not seem to know where his front right leg is all the time. His hind leg seems to be recovering faster. I am taking this one day at a time.

My newest problem is that I when tried to start to wean his meds down down to to only one pill a day as suggested by the Vet...  poor Percy was crying out in pain and obviously in pain after two hours past his usual medication time. (he would only lay up on his chest/sternum and was very tense throughout his body. I gave him his meds and within 40 minutes he was resting comfortably. I did call the vet and was told to keep him on the full dosage for another 5 days before starting to wean him off them again.
I know it is not recommended to keep a dog on high dosages of Prednisone. but what do i do about his pain? it is heart breaking to hear him cry/scream. I still can not actually figure out where exactly the pain is coming from.
The vet is concerned about taking e-rays as she feels the 'trauma' of doing these would only make things worse and the pictures would only be inconclusive anyway.?? I am considering acupuncture/phiscal theraphy ect... but my vet does not provide these servises# I am not sure she even beleives in them#. I am not sure how receptive she will be when I sugest them... I hate to have her get angry and refuse to treat percy any more.

QUESTION... what side effects should I be on the lookout from his meds...

and...  is percy being on these meds too long detramental to his health?

and i still have not been able to find any articals or info about only one front leg and one hind leg partial poralisis in dogs. it seems to be a 'rare' thing?

thanks again,

ANSWER: Well this is not much of an improvement Judy. He should be walking on all his legs right now. I would question any vet that says they cannot take an xray of a dog for fear of making him worse.
That's what gentle sedatives are for. He needs an xray or an ultrasound so that you know what is going on with his spine.

You have the right to take him for alternative treatments regardless of what your vet thinks. That is their opinion, not a fact. I really think you should contact a vet about getting some xrays and acupuncture for him. Sometimes that is the only way these cases can get some relief.

Please contact one tomorrow and get Percy in soon! The longer he goes like this the more permanent his nerve damage is going to get.

Right now the meds are not going to hurt him. Not getting treatment will. Call a new vet that does acupuncture please! Even a veterinary chiropractor!!

Please let me know how Percy Perfect is doing in a few days.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

my Percy Perfect
my Percy Perfect  

Today Percy is walking on all four legs but he is not 100% by any means. He is able to hike up his left hind leg to go pee...while baring his full weight on his weaker right side. he does 'correct' his right hind foot when its inverted, his right front foot is slower to come along. he does bare full weight on his right front but it will occasionally buckle forward. when you invert his right front he is pretty slow#20 seconds# to correct it but he will eventually. his personality is quickly returning as is his perky stride. Percy does get a bit wobbly but he is able to correct his balance by himself. I do walk him several times a day and I still have his sling on him just in case he does start to fall. He is on total bedrest otherwise. He is with me 24/7 so I know he is calm and controlled. #he goes to work with me and is in a playpen in my office# :-)

with this said... I have contacted a Vet Hospital that does specialize in full service 'modern care' as well as holistic approach. I made an appointment for my Percy and he will be going there Tuesday the 1st. he will be getting a full evaluation as well as acupuncture services that day.
I am concerned about the high doses of predisone he is on. I have cut it back by 1/4 and he did tolerate that much reduction ok. what do you think?

thank you so much for your input!!!

Judy and Percy Perfect.

I think you should finish out the steroids in the way your vet prescribed until Percy sees the acupuncturist. You never told me what the dosage was so I am not even sure it is a high dose.

I am glad you contacted a new place that will see him. Let me know how he does with the alternative treatments. I hear most dogs do GREAT!!