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Quick Question: Giardia

18 15:01:59

Hello Dr. Sherrell,

Thank you in advance for your kind assistance.

I recently got a 14-month old female Pomeranian.  My vet diagnosed her with Giardia.  She eats her own poo and sadly, I have not been successful in stopping her from eating some of it each day.  The vet has prescribed Panacur for 3-days and the Giardia Vaccine, and then in 3-weeks, another Giardia Booster and repeat Panacur for 3-days.

Over the past 3-days, I gave my dog the Panacur
but I was not able to stop her from taking bites of her poo.

Question:  Will I ever successfully clear my dog's giardia if she continues to eat her own poo?  

My vet told me that since my dog took the vaccine and the Panacur, then my dog can eat her own poo and it will not reinfect her with giardia.  I read on the internet that the poo DOES reinfect the dog with giardia but I could not find out if it reinfects the dog while it is on Panacur.

Is it a waste of time and money to give Panacur to a dog who is coprophagic?  Is it possible to cure Giardia in a dog that is eating her poo almost every day?  

With sincere thanks,

Linda -

Treating giardia can sometimes be challenging.  One must be particularly fastidious and diligent with cleaning up after the dog; I even recommend that my clients clean their pup's bottom after each visit to the bathroom.  You must also pick up her poo once she has done her business.

It is possible for your dog to be reinfected if she is ingesting her feces whether she is receiving the giardia vaccine or not.  Treatment may have to be repeated and if her body is still shedding giardia cysts, she can most certainly become reinfected.

Ask your veterinarian about a product called Forbid.  Forbid helps animals to stop eating their feces and it is extremely effective.  Your vet should be able to get Forbid for you; I think you will be very happy with the results.  

Bear in mind that nothing is one hundred per cent guaranteed to work, but I highly recommend Forbid to help your pup stop eating her poo.

Best Regards,

Charlotte Sherrell, DVM