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guinea pig eating poo

18 16:04:19

hi, i have recently bought a guinea pig but today i noticed that he is eating its own poo. why is that? he seems completely normal and cute. And how can you tell how old guinea pigs are? thank you very much.  

Hi Yvonne.  Guinea pigs regularly do not eat their own feces.  This may be a sign of hunger or a vitamin C deficiancy.  Be sure to feed him a guinea pig pellet food along with a slice of apple or orange per day, as this is what a guinea pig needs in his/her diet.  
Once a guinea pig reaches maturity, it is very hard to tell by the size of the guinea pig, what age they are.  If you have gotten this guinea pig from a pet store, they are usually sold between 2-3 months of age.  A veterinarian will be able to tell by his teeth what age he is.
I hope this helps!