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Pomeranian will not come to use

18 15:02:27

We have a 3 year old pomeranian that, if we bend down or are laying down we can touch her (pet her), etc. with both hands. But, if we bend down to try to pick her up - she gets scared and backs off. We can extend one hand and she will let us pet her, but if we extend both hands to pick her up, she scurries away. Is there anything we can do to let us pick her up.

Little dogs can be that way but I feel you are not telling me the whole story. At what age did you get this dog? She obviously has had some sort of trauma from being lifted up before such as being dropped.

Some dogs are just naturally wary, not matter how long you have had them. Since I have no idea how long you have had her the only advice I can give you is to start training her to think that being picked up is a treat. When you bend down to get her, and she lets you pick her up- give her a piece of her own dog food or a tiny dog treat.

You can make it more fun by training her to run and jump up onto your leg and then you grab her and give her a treat. Poms are used in agility classes so she can do this.

Without more information that is about all I can tell you.