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how do you tell if your dog is suffering

18 14:33:25

QUESTION: our ten-year old Golden Retriever has stopped eating and drinking.  He is not vomitting.  He's lethargic and can barely get up or wants to get up.  He didn't eat his dinner last night, which Frosty never turns away food so we know something is wrong.  He just had his checkup in January.  His heart sounded good, but doctor was concerned because his hair hadn't grown back from his summer shaving.  She said this could be a medical problem.  Being that he was fine at the time, we didn't go through any additional testing.  now he's not eating.  He seems to not want to lay on his side and chooses to lay on his stomach with his front legs out.  i haven't seen him sleeping. he just lays there with eyes open.  He appears to be breathing hard but is not panting.  he seems to be shaking or it appears that he's shaking.  I'm afraid if I take him in, they will probably tell me to put him  to sleep.  If he were suffering, would i know it?  he doesn't moan or groan.  He just lays there. About four weeks ago, we had the same problem with him not wanting to eat dinner, but the next morning he seemed fine.  When i give him some water from a medicine dropper, i hear his stomach making all sorts of noises.  I don't know if he's suffering.  I would rather he pass away at home, but if he's suffering i want to take him in.  how would I know??

ANSWER: Janet,
I have to tell you that these are all very bad signs that your dog is broadcasting to you, loud and clear. Heavy breathing, even without panting, is a sign of pain in dogs unless of course they have been running etc.

Lying outstretched and being unwilling to sleep is a sign that he has an abdominal problem, or a problem with his lungs. He is what we call sternal recumbancy- and dogs lie that way when there is a serious issue going on, with all of the other symptoms of course.

Because he is a Golden, the thought of a cancer is most prominent. Golden's are prone to abdominal and lung cancers and they usually hit between the ages of 7-I2 years of age.

You need to take him in tomorrow and yes, you need to be prepared to hear bad news. However, it might not be bad news. You won't know until you go but he is clearly (to me) suffering. It isn't always easy to read the signs unless you know what to look for.

You do not want him suffering at home. If there is a cancer going on, it might have a treatment available- you don't want that taken from him.
If it isn't treatable, you want to be the loving owner I know you are and give him and give give him the gift of ending his suffering gently. He would not go peacefully at home- he would suffer greatly for days or even weeks.

So gather the family and take him in tomorrow morning. I am truly sorry Janet, and I hope that I am very, very wrong. Please let me know what happens, but please take him in tomorrow.

My prayers are with you and your boy.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thank you Jana.
Yes, last night I made the decision that it was time to take him in.  He wasn't able to stand on his own and I couldn't imagine that he wasn't suffering.  The doctor pretty much said what you said.  There was no real way to really know what was going on with him without getting into more tests and expenses.  At his age we agreed that it was time to let him go.  I am comfortable with my decision and glad we took him in.  After putting another dog to sleep almost exactly two months ago, I just wasn't ready to do it again.  Thank you again for your advice.

HI Janet,
I am really sorry to hear this about your sweet boy, but now you are assured he isn't suffering any more. My Mom's guide dog went just like this- one day she was fine, the next day in the ER dying from a massive cancer in her chest wall.

It is very painful to lose them - no matter how. I am glad that you have found some comfort in knowing that you were there for him and made the right choice. Even though we miss them so very much, it does feel good knowing we did the right thing for them.

Bless you for this and while I know you were not ready, we never really are. Thanks for letting me know. I appreciate it.