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Side effects of cortizone

18 15:45:59

(1) What are the side effects of long-term cortizone use for canine allergies?  

(2) Can anything be done to lessen or prevent the effects?

(3) Is over-the-counter cortizone cream (human) safe for use on dogs?

The side effects of LOW dose cortisone for things like allergies is minimal.  Some dogs drink excessive water, some get fat, and some can actually get a disease called Cushings disease.  Most dogs do not have ill effects from LOW dose cortisone.

There are alternatives to cortisone for itchy skin.  There is a drug called Atopica that does the same thing as cortisone without the side effects.  There are Omega3 fatty acids that keep the skin from overreacting to things thaty make the dog itchy.  And bathing often helps dogs that are itching.

Cremes are not too useful.  They will be licked off and if you spot treat for a disease of the whole skin, then you will not be able to prevent the dog from itching.  For a single, localized lesion topical cremes may work.