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13 year old dog

18 14:45:51

We have a 13 year old Bichon. She hasn't been doing very well and we've noticed a change in the last week. We had a scare this summer, but it ended up just being a fever and she recovered.  I've been away at school for the past week and am pretty sure her skin was more of an orange last weekend and it looks rather grey to me now. My parents have also said that she hasn't had much energy this past week. I know that grey skin can be a sign of death in humans and was just wondering if the same is true in dogs.

Jacklyn -

Please have your dog examined by a veterinarian as soon as possible.  Notice the color of your dog's gums.  We refer to them as mucous membranes and the color of the gums should be pink.  If the color is grey, it may mean that your dog is anemic or may have problems with circulation.

Your dog's advanced age indicates that your dog should be examined by a doctor on a regular basis.   The vet should run blood tests to determine if your dog is healthy - a blood test can check liver and kidney function and look for other indications of sickness.  

A pet as old as yours should be evaluated at least every six months - dogs age at a much faster rate that humans do.  Dogs can live long, healthy lives if they receive regular healthcare.  Even though your dog is older and may be sick, a trip to the veterinarian will surely benefit your pet.

Best Regards,

Charlotte Sherrell, DVM