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Eye Growth on Dog near tear duct

18 15:41:06

I have a 5 1/2 year old black lab mix that has developed a growth in her right eyelid over the past 2-3 weeks.  The growth started very small and has grown to about 1/2 the size of a pea.  My dog's eyelid is black and this growth is pink to pale pink.  It doesn't seem to bother her, but it maybe rubbing her eye.

My vet gave us ointment, which seemed to do more harm than good - it seemed to make the lump grow.  More recently, the lump has shrunk again and is now maybe 1/3 or 1/4 of a pea.  

We've seen two vets about this.  One (my regular vet) recommended a full surgery to remove this (est $800-900).  The other vet said this could be removed for $80-100 and balked at the price of the first vet.  Between the two, I'm confused as to how serious this is or what kind of surgery needs to be done.  

I also found a veterinary ophthamologist in my area and I'm planning to go there as well.  Any advice?

Many of these eyelid "tumors" are actually blocked ducts of the glands on the eyelid that keep the cornea lubricated.  Removal of these masses depends on the type and extent of surgery.  Small ones can be removed quite easily, but larger, more involved ones require reconstruction of the eyelid.