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kittens shots side effects

18 15:14:50

I took kitten for first vet appointment today. Was not sure of kitty age weighs 1 and half pound. Vet gave kitty shot. One of the kitty's eye looks weird now does not open all the way, I will take to different vet tomorrow for check up. I am very worried any idea what caused this

Some kittens and puppies can have a reaction to their first vaccination.
The vet will be able to give her something for this tomorrow. Just keep an eye on her tonight.
Cats weights are closely related to age up to 4 months of age. In other words, one pound is usually a little over 5-6 weeks old, two pounds are two months old, 3 lbs 3 months old and 4 lbs are usually 4 months old. After that is changes a lot.
I am sure she will be okay but it's a good thing you are taking her in tomorrow.