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dog got into a fight

18 15:08:49

My dog got into a fight. There is no blood, his pupils are fine. There is however a small punture wound (that has closed up) where his temple is. He is walking as is he is paralyzed on his left side. He is not yelping in a pain just cannot walk right. What could be wrong? He is a 15-20lb yorkie. Large for a yorkie.

When did this dog get into  fight? He could very well have a puncture into his skull which is now infected if the puncture closed up.
I don't know that the walking problem and fight are related so the best thing to do is get him into the vets tomorrow.

Dog fight wounds are a lot worse on the inside then they look on the outside. Any number of things could be brewing under the skin including a puncture into the skull.

I wouldn't risk it- call the vet in the morning and get him in soon!