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Beagle in pain

18 15:12:56

Hello,   I have a four year old beagle who is usually quite energetic.  I walked her yesterday and she was running and dragging me.  Today she walked slowly at my side.  I noticed that she stopped jumping up on the sofa and on me.  When I brought her in and attempted to dry her off she yelped when I wiped her hip.  She loves car rides but would not jump in the car, even with her favorite treat.  She would not allow me to pick her up to put her in the car either.  I took her to the vet and she had a slight temp of 102 but her urine and stool showed no signs of a problem.  The doctor believes she may have hurt her hip from falling.  The pain seems to be on her backside on the right hip, her stomach was fine.  I have not witnessed any injuries to her.  He perscribed a pain/anti-inflamatory and something for loose stool.  My dog is overweight by about 8-10 pounds and I have been working on that.  I just cant understand the temperature and the pain all of a sudden, any ideas?

Most dogs won't get a fever from straining a muscle. She could, however, have an abscess growing in that area from a puncture wound of some sort. They get these from twigs, other dogs, cat scratches, etc.

Urine and stool samples are not the place to look for problems of this nature. Blood work is, however. Did they do a blood panel on her? Did they x ray her hip?

If she isn't better by Monday on the anti-inflammitory's and other drugs then it's time to take her back in and have some blood work done and a possible x ray of her back.

We have seen dogs ram some strange things into their sides and legs so never discount a dog getting into something odd.
I hope it resolves with what you have now and she doesn't need another visit. But if you go please let me know how she does.