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Staph on German Shepherd

18 14:27:59

Tikka our 4 year old German Shepherd started scratching a little over a month ago after we left her with my mom for 4 days. We took her to the vet and they gave her steroids and antibiotics. 2 weeks into them and she passed out. The emergency vet said she wasn't handling the steroids and said it was a yeast infection. Changed her to ketoconzole. Almost 3 weeks on them and she started having bloody eyes and spots on her legs. The new vet today said she has staph and started her on antibiotics and shampoo. Help was is causes this and can we fix it? She sleeps all the time, scratches, licks, and doesn't eat just drinks a lot of water. Is there anything I can do to help her? I am worried to death. Thanks for your help with this. Pam

Without a complete exam, I cannot tell you on the internet what is wrong.  I see that you are in North Carolina.  I would recommend a referral to the veterinary school there.  They have a world famous veterinary dermatologist named Dr. Theirry Olivery who is an expert on allergies in dogs.  He should be able to help you.