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cat with lumps, hair loss, red spots

18 15:44:28

My cat is 1 year old.  He recently developed several symptoms.  I've taken him to 3 vets and they can't figure out what is wrong with him.  One suggestion was cancer, one was ring worms, and one was an immunoceficiancy disease.  He started with hair loss on the feet and around his nose and brown flaky spots on his ears.  Although he has gotten his hair back in most of those places he now has spots of hair loss all over his body.  These spots (unlike the original spots) are red and "hot" looking.  He also has developed bumps and lumps on his back and stomach.  These seem to bother him when I pick him up and he spends a lot of time licking at these spots.  The vets have had him on 2 kinds of antibiotics but it has not seemed to help.

Can you help me?

Without examining your cat, I can't be very specific.  But you can ask the vet to take a skin biopsy to see just what is going on.  If the cat is really itchy, rather than using an antibiotic, a steroid maybe needed, especially if it is an allergy.  It could also be a food allergy that requires a special diet.