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10 month old Pomeranian

18 15:16:59

Hi, my 10 month old Pomeranian seems to either have an eye infection or some kind of allergies.  His eyes are excessively watery and are often red.  The liquid often dries up and clumps in the corners of his eyes.  It's brown in color but that might be because it mixes with dirt.  I try to wipe it off with tissues, but I don't know if this is serious, and what I can do to prevent it.

Hi Alena- Your pom is have reactions to allergies and dirt..
Here are some helpful ideas...
See a vet if the eye discharge turns green, OK????

First - go to the pet store and get the following:

eye wipes - something like brand  Four Paws Eye Wipes

Please wipe this kid's eyes 2 x per day... You can add a little bit of water, onto the eye wipe, for x-tra moisture when crusted.

Next - give this kid some Pure garlic in his food... This would be the shaker bottle kind and sprinkle some on his food 1 x per day - about 1/4 of a teaspoon or less.  Garlic is a natural healer...Small amounts are fine for dogs.
Go to the cooking section of the Walmart and look for PURE garlic powder in a shaker container.

Last - She needs to be on NuVET Plus - this will boost her immune system and clear up the Allergies !!  She needs one NuVET Wafer treat per day - YUM YUM and only about .55 cents per day.
*** CALL JOAN NOW FOR OUR "INTRO OFFER"   - give her code 81098 for this Trial Guaranteed offer of NuVET Plus - Tell her about your baby and the eye issues she has been dealing with.
Joan will help you with the first order and explain the MONEY back guarantee.  Joan is a pleasure to talk with....
1-800-474-7044 ext 265  ( make sure you mentioned the guaranteed trial from **special code 81098 )

If you want to make some food changes, let me know..
I would be glad to help your thru any diet changes...Just e-mail me weekly with an update on her condition..

Have a great day!

Marie Peppers