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Puppy with Parvo Virus

18 15:28:03

My puppy has had Parvo for 5 days he has been under the care of our local vet.  I have been administering subcutaneous fluids and antibiotics at home for 4 days now. He has been going to the vet every day to be checked and to get more medicine but she is closed today and tomorrow. My problem is he has now started to vomit blood (just today) and he just seems to be doing worse.  Is there any advice you can give me?  I am worried that he may pass from a lack of protein!

My apologies for the delayed response as I have been ill myself.  Vomiting blood is never a good sign and should warrant immediate visit to your veterinarian.  If you have not seen them and they are not open I would check into whether there is an emergency clinic in your area.

I hope that they are able to get him through this difficult time.  Best of luck to you and your little darling.