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old age

18 15:53:49

My 17 year old retrever can no longer use his back legs but barely. He never shows any sign of pain, he just excepts it and falls down a lot. I made him a ramp and he still has that sparkel in his eye but I dont want him to suffer. Whats your diagnosis doc. Thanks  Paul

I can not make an accurate diagnosis without seeing your dog.  My guess is hip dysplasia with degenerative joint disease and degenerative myelopathy.


Glucosamine 1500 mg Twice a day
MSM 1500 mg Twice a day
B complex vitamin 50 mg Twice a day
Ester C 500 mg Twice a day
Digestive Enzymes with Bromalain--Human Adult Dose
Fish or Flax Oil 1000 mg Twice a day