Pet Information > ASK Experts > Ask the Veterinarian > My pet YORKIE


18 15:13:52

she is getting sick she is throwing up all over the house a few nights ago she got into some ribs and that made her sick but now days later she keeps throwing up. she just threw up dog food. do i need to start feeding times for the dogs. she has a sister also they are 4 years old. i am very worried.


Your dog is very sick and not with a stomach ache. Yorkies are very prone to gastritis and pancreatitis, which can be fatal if left untreated.

When a dog eats something like ribs that causes some massive enzyme reactions from the liver and the gall bladder which then causes the pancreas to become inflamed and start to digest itself. It is very painful also.
Even if its gastritis only, which is when the stomach is inflamed, she can be in dire straits.
The bottom line is this is not treatable at home but she needs to see a vet first thing in the morning.
This is very serious. Please call a vet in the morning and get her in right away.
Please let me know later what it is and how she is doing.