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My cat is ill.

18 15:29:08

Ill explain the situation. About 4 days ago my cat got in a fight and now has an open wound near her butt that is infected. It is about the size of an eraser and her tissue is visible. I have been proxiding it since yesterday and the area was raw when I got there. Now she is starting to cough, not hard, but a little one. Also she makes a deep sigh like humans do (depression?). Lastly, she is sneezing like she got water in her nose. There is no mucus and the drainage is stopping on her wound. I was just wondering what you may think it is? Anything I should be highly worried about, or just keep doing what I am doing until it heals?
Thanks a lot,

The fact that the wound is open helps, as cats often get abscesses when they have closed wounds especially from bites.  In order to help drainage you can use a cloth soaked in warm water to help gently remove any seepage that has built up.

I would tend to think that the sneezing and coughing is unrelated, more of an upper respiratory infection rather than a result of the fight. However abscesses can eventually lead to systemic infection.  In this case it would seem early for such a thing, however I would recommend having her seen by your veterinarian.  They can check the wound to see if it is abscessing, needs any surgical cleaning and can prescribe antibiotics. They can also check her general health status in regards to the respiratory signs.

Best of luck to you and your feline friend.