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mynah birds

18 14:11:48

Hi, I've been feeding wild mynah birds recently. It was mostly wheat. Today i saw one of them threw up a halfly-digested wheat, i got worried. Could wheat be harmful for wild birds like maynas?
Thank you for your help.

Well, wild birds shouldn't be fed at all for many reasons. This is just one of them.

They cannot tolerate the same kind of foods that humans eat because they are birds. Wheat is not on their normal diet. Fruit, bugs, small animals. They do not graze on grains like wheat.

The other reason not to feed them is that they can become reliant on you (or humans in general) to feed them and then they don't forage for themselves. This can lead to death very quickly for them.

So please leave them be, let them be wild and don't feed them anything.