Pet Information > ASK Experts > Ask the Veterinarian > my dogs is a mutt that I rescued. Over the last 2 days his ears(the floppy part) has swollen as if they will pop! I

my dogs is a mutt that I rescued. Over the last 2 days his ears(the floppy part) has swollen as if they will pop! I

18 15:58:11

Hi, I have a lg. breed mutt who is 9 weeks old. Her ears are so big (the floppy part) and swollen they look like they will pop. They started getting bigger over the last two days. Can you tell me what this is and if I can treat her at home. I really don't have the funds to take her to the vet. Thank you

Hi Jennifer!  Congrats on your new puppy! Unfortunately, you will need to take her to the vet!  You can often talk to a veterinarian about a payment plan or to hold checks until you will have the money.  You may also want to contact the shelter that you rescued her from.  This could either be an allergic reaction or an adema of the ear, where the ear is actually filling with fluid, needing surgical intervention to cure it.  Either way, this is only something that can be treated through a veterinarian.  I wish so much I could give you more information and be more of a help!
Please give that little girl get well kisses for me!