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Calf with broken leg

18 15:10:37


Finally home and taken
Dear Jana

I'm hoping that you could give me some advice and more hope.

I am trying to save a calf with a broken leg. We farm on a very big property in Namibia and I was only able to splint the leg properly about 8 days after the leg broke!

She is now 14 days old and the leg was broken when she was 3 days old. I've had her at home for a few days now.

My husband tried to bandage the leg out in the bush when she was 4 days old, but didn't do a very good job as he didn't secure any joints and basically just "tubed" the single bone. Even though the mother then abandoned her, she stayed alive for another week before we found her again (we didn't see her for a while and thought she had died or was caught by a leopard).

When I got her home, the bone was in line, but could "hinge" sideways, so definitely broken. The glands along her jaw-line is extremely swollen.

I wrapped the leg in thick cotton wool (3 layers), then tight bandaging, then a splint of plastic water pipe cut in half and secured on opposite sides with more bandages. She is drinking well (surrogate milk) and on anti-biotics.

I'm finding it amazing that she survived till now and that the bone was still in place. Could this be a "green-stick fracture" even if it shows movement (hinges)? What can I do more to help her heal and do you think it would grow together even if it was only splinted and bandaged so late?

The hoof can still move and she is stepping on it quite a bit... should I wrap it up as well or is it okay as long as the fetlock can't move.

I would really appreciate your opinion and advice.

Kind Regards

Oh Adele!
my heart just goes out to you and this little doll. If this brave little fought hard enough to stay alive I think she will be just fine.

From your photo that I can see you did an excellent job of wrapping her leg. The hood doesn't need to be wrapped or immobilized since she is walking well on it. Her walking on it will actually encourage healing of the break. It is possible that she does only have a greenstick fracture. The swollen glands are from the leg and possible infection she must have gotten from wandering around out there. I am amazed she wasn't killed by something or didn't starve.

You made what we call a "Robert Jones Splint." As with any splint and cast, you must be careful that it isn't too tight.
here is a link to making one.

You made it perfect with the plastic pipe. We have used those ourselves on small livestock. You should check it every other day and rewrap it. She looks like she is worn out and very happy you found her. Poor little thing. She is really beautiful.

I do think it will heal as long as the infection isn't too great and if it wasn't an open wound to begin with. If she is healing well and resting then it is quite possible it will heal completely. She might limp but so what?
I will pray for her complete recovery and I do hope you will keep me posted on how she does.

Please let me know in a few days how she is doing.