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Lhasa Apsos

18 15:45:03

Jennifer.....I in no way ment to be disrespectful
I am a Senior from the 30/40 era and may express myself a little differently.....Bo Bo has been through alot, and is my Best Friend...I have searched for answers to his plight in many ways most of them expensive, which I do not mind..However alot seem afraid to express their own opinion, and simply state "see your Vet" Bo is in serious trouble, so that is frustrating.
  At least you express yourself....and I Thank You for your opinion.....and note I did say "Please".....Stress sometimes get us...But know you were appreciated...Sometimes Pet's are more like children....I too volunteer with many Animal Rights organizations....
  Have a Beautiful Day
     Betty & Bo Bo Bear


I understand that your little guy is your best friend.  My pets are like my kids (I don't have any real children, just fur children).

But it does get very frustrating on my end as often times people don't want to listen to what I have to say and want the easy FREE way.  Unfortunately with severe illness, the body doesn't get sick overnite and it doesn't heal overnite as well.  Veterinary care is expensive and pets are a luxury.  I have to deal with money issues every day at work, and some days I just want to scream.  It is a matter of priorities as to where and what people want to spend their money on.  So when I give free advice and people make certain comments to me, I take it personal because I don't have to do this.  I just do it out of the kindness of my heart.

Again, I hope your Bo Bo gets better and I am glad that you are helping out other animals too.

Take care,
Dr. Fry