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Sick Rat Terrier

18 15:17:18

I have a 1 1/2 year old rat terrier (Max).  He puts everything in his mouth.  He began vomiting a lot and then on Saturday passed bloody, mucus stool. I immediately took him to the vet, X-rays were taken he was given a shot of penicillin, and another shot that was supposed to help with bacteria (I think) as the vet is unsure what is going on.  On one of the x-rays there was a small round area near the tail that the vet was unsure what it was, though on the other x-ray (side view) it wasn't there.  His stomach was enlarged also.  I was sent home with some pills and told to give him some pepto as well as feeding him chicken and rice, cottage cheese, yogurt, and pedialyte.  I have done all of those things, now he isn't pooping at all and is a little sluggish (Max is usually a busy guy). Though he was sluggish when I took him to the vet.  I am not sure what to do at this point.  He is eating the stuff fine, and though I don't see him drinking much I mix the pedialyte into the rice and chicken so that he drinks it prior to eating.  He is urinating a lot, but not defecating.  Is this okay?  Are there any possibilities I should mention to the vet?

Wow Amanda:  Good job on your part and your VET sounds great!
YOU two have done a wonderful job with this boy!!

Here are my suggestions for Mr. Max!

Continue on all you have done.  Add this:  Buy some canned pumpkin for Max.  Make sure it is Pure canned pumpkin.  Give him 1/4 a cup of this per day or 1/8 of a cup, for about 3 days or even 4.
This will add some good fiber and calories into his diet.

Next, call and get some NuVET Plus - ASAP / This is an Immune System Booster / He needs this-
Call Joan at 1-800-474-7044 ext 265  ( tell her Marie sent you )
Joan can explain the Money back guaranteed NuVET Plus wafers.
This will cost you only .55 cents per day.
Call Now.

Otherwise, sounds like you have done it all!  Not too much more I can add.  Your baby is sluggish because he has been through a lot !
Give him time to build up the immune system and his strength.

Good Luck - Let me know how he does on the NuVET - this is a must for all ages and stages

Marie Peppers