Pet Information > ASK Experts > Ask the Veterinarian > Kelp


18 15:17:19

QUESTION: We have two  rescue dogs who love to eat the kelp that washes up on our beach.  They eat it every day on our twice a day walks, and we alway feed them when we get home.  They've been doing this the whole time we've had them, about 7 and 5 years.  While kelp is good for them, I've heard that too much iodine can be bad.  Will they self regulate?  Do we need to try to stop them from eating too much (that would be difficult since they run free on our beach) What are the symptoms of too much iodine?  Our psrt pit-bull mut is probably about 10 or 11 years old and seems to be getting arthritic - painful for him to move sometimes.  What is your advice?

ANSWER: Hello Arthur - Sounds like a wonderful life for your two dogs...!  I wish I could run wild on the beach too!

Kelp is wonderful for them....... Here are the ingredients in Kelp:
Kelp is rich in nutrients.   

Kelp is a valuable source of source of A, B-1, B-2, B-3, B-12, C, E, G, S, calcium, chlorine, copper, iodine, iron, lithium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, selenium, silicon, sulfur, zinc, chromium, cobalt, manganese, niacin, riboflavin, sodium, thiamine.

It is hard to Overdose on Kelp because the body does wash many of the nutrients out in the urine.  Also, if you are getting any of the above vitamins in your dog food, it is not enough.  Plus the heating or cooking of dog food kills many of the good vitamins.

So, my answer is keep up the good work.  Sounds like they are fine.
As for the Arthritis, that just comes with old age.
Here is a great supplement for your old doggie / Helps reduce pain and stiffness / All Natural and Safe-
NuJoint Plus is Guaranteed to help reduce the pain and stiffness or your money back - The product is made in a FDA human Grade manufacturing plant in California.
YOU need an order code to buy from them - they don't sell to the public without a breeder's referral code  (code 81098)
Call 1-800-474-7044  Ask for Joan at EXT 265
Joan can explain about the NuJoint Plus treats and also ask about the NuVET Plus - for your younger kid.
You will make LESS visits to the vet when your dogs are taking NuVET Plus and NuJOINT plus
NOT sold in stores

Also, You can add some salmon oil to the food each day.  Give them 1 tablespoon per day of PURE salmon oil.
Good for the skin, coat , and general health.

Write to me in 30 days and let me know how your old girl is doing on the NuJOINT plus.


Marie Peppers
The Doggie Chalet Hotel

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: So no problem with too much Iodine or salt?
Also, I bring back fresh kelp for my cats. Usually I cut up a piece about 6-8" long and 3" wide and add it to the catfood 3 cats, once a day.  Is that about the right amount for them?  Is more any problem?

Hi again,  The dogs will continue to flush out any excess salt in the urine.  Just make sure they always have plenty of cold fresh water around the house.  You can put an ice cube in the water... Dogs love to eat ice cubes too!

As for the cats, why don't you go every other day with the kelp for them.  They have much smaller bodies and more troubles with the urine crystals as they get older.  Kelp is great for them but they have more troubles with salt and calciums.
So, it is fine q.o.d.  ( every other day ), for the cats.
The amount seems to be fine, too.

NuVET has a feline formula too:  Take a look here:
NuVET Plus wafers - For the dogs
NuVET feline - cat special formula

BEST wishes

Marie Peppers