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Alergy-West Highland terrier

18 15:56:14

I have a seven year old West Highland Terrier who, I believe, has developed an alergy.  When she now begins to play with a toy and gets excited, when we come home from work and she gets excited or if someone comes to the door and her heart rate goes up ...she begins to scratch at her face violently.  Not anywhere else except her face!  At first I believed she was developing an alergy to her toys but after watching her it is very clear that it is when ever she gets excited....any advice?  Many thanks!

This is not a typical response, and I would recommend consulting a behavior specialist.  It may be an obsessive compulsive disorder but I have never heard or seen the behavior you describe.   She definitely would benefit from behavior modification to try have her re-learn to be relaxed especially when company comes over and anti-anxiety medication may be in order in this case.