Pet Information > ASK Experts > Ask the Veterinarian > MULTIPLE BUMPS ON DOGS SKIN


18 15:42:40

We have an Australian Shepherd that is almost 2 1/2 years old.  He over the past 2 weeks has developed multiple dime size bumps over his body.  These bumps are rather solid and have his regular hair growing on them.  These range from his sides of his back to one on his snout.  We are at a loss for what this could be.  When squeezed these are solid in moving around and seem to bother him somewhat.  They don't seem to be too uncomfortable and his appetite / energy has not changed.  Please help us in sheding some light on this situation.  Thanks so much and have a wonderful day.  ADAM

Without doing an examination asnd some tests, I could not diagnose the problem.  It could be an allergic reaction to a pollen or a food, an infection, tumors, or a contact reaction to something.  I would recommend that you have a vet check the dog to see just what this might be.