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Cyst/bump on my cat

18 14:38:17


Peter's lumps/bumps
I have two male neutered Siamese- from the same litter. On one cats face are two lumps/bumps that have appeared over time and a smaller one on the back of his ear.  In the attached image, you can see the one closest to his eye and the larger one about an inch behind that one below his ear. The bumps are firm but soft....meaning you can feel a bit of softness under the flesh in the center.  They do not seem to bother him but every now and then he scratches an area on them playing with his brother.

When he was a kitten and the first one appeared- we were told not to worry that most cyst are nothing one seemed to give them much attention at his last check up. When do we know its time to worry?  Does these look concerning now? I just want to be sure because he is a great cat and I would hate to think we overlooked something on him!

The photos are not very clear, but I would think of something called a mast cell tumor from your description.  These are soft nodular masses under the skin and they are often found on the face of cats. You need to have these checked by your vet.  They can do what is known as a fine needle aspirate and put some of the material from inside the growth on a microscope slide.  They will read the slide or send it out to see what type of cells are on the slide.