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Bichon derm problem

18 15:44:10

My bichon has bumps-our vet says it is a virus under the skin but they itch and my  dog bites at them til they bleed. I put tea tree oil on them but doesn't do much long term. they can take them off but will return. Is there something I can do for dog or diet that will help? They eat OM (for weight management) and Djick patton's Duck/Potato food. Seems like there should be something for relief short of Benedryl which will make dog drowsy and I don't want to medicate with that all the time. thanks for any advice (and thanks from Herbie my Bichon)

Skin viruses are very unusual. Are you sure he didn't indicate that there was a bacterial infection under the skin?  That is very common.

You might need to see another vet to see if your dog might have allergies to things in the environment, not just to foods. A vet can always take a skin bioppsy to have the disease process identified. (allergic, contact, mange, fungal, hormonal, etc.)

I would recommend seeing if the dog will respond to a steroid type drug for allergies, which will stop the itching. Antibiotics may help treat the secondary bacterial infection.