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Mammary glands after puppies are weaned

18 14:54:39


I just wanted to know if there is any necessary care of the nipples and mammary glands of my female dog.  She had puppies which are now weaned.  It's been about 1 week.  Will she continue to sag or how long until her milk drys up?

How soon can I get her spayed.

Thank you.

No special care is needed as long as her nipples are not cracked or sore. The sagging may not be milk, just stretched mammary tissue. It may or may not tighten up.
She can be spayed right now as long as no more milk is coming from the glands. Every surgeon is a little different, so I would call your veterinarian to schedule the appaointment and ask how long they prefer to wait after weaning.

Good Health,
Dr. Chambreau