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Small black bumps on penis

18 14:28:42


I have a male schnauzer, 5 yrs old.  Two weeks ago I noticed about 4 small black bumps on the skin of my dog's penis.  If I rubbed them a little with a washcloth they came off like a scab.  He also had a little pus coming out of some of them.  I took him to the vet and she said it looked like an allergic reaction to a plant or something he touched (perhaps while peeing). She gave me some antiseptic spray to put on the area.   

There are 3 other dogs in the property and while giving another male a haircut today I noticed a similar small black bump on his penis.  I re-examined my dog and he still has one small lump, looks kind of like a skin-colored mole.  

I'm worried that there could be a venereal disease going around or something of the sort.  What could these lumps be?  Anything I could look out for that would indicate a tumor or VD?  Thanks for your time.

I seriously doubt that there is any type of venereal disease going on.  There are a lot of glands around the prepuce that may be secreting causing blackheads or they may have been somewhere outside where there was something sharp or prickly to affect the sheath.