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Lumps on Dogs Legs and sides

18 14:31:29

Front leg
Front leg
This morning when I went to work my dog (an English Bulldog) was fine.  When I got home, he has dozens of bumps all over his legs.  If I feel hard on his sides, head and neck, I can feel them deep in his skin too (he is fatty in these areas--he is about 65lbs).  There are literally dozens of these lumps.  They range in size from the size of a pencil eraser, to almost the size of a quarter.  His fur is still there and isn't falling out.  When I lift his loose skin up, the lumps DO lift up with the skin.  I believe this is unrelated, but he also has a hotspot on his neck which he does get every summer--I haven't had the hotspot diagnosed by a vet, but since he gets these commonly I am quite certain that's what it is--we live in a hot area.  He is still eating and drinking normal.  He's not acting lethargic (although he is already a lazy dog so it's hard to tell).  It's hard to imagine how all of these lumps got there in such a short period of time.  I have some amoxicillin leftover from an infection my other bulldog had a year ago, and also some benadryl--I'm just not sure what to give him.  My husband said he ate a slice of cucumber off the ground last night, however from what I've read online that shouldn't cause this sort of reaction.  He does have quite a medical history.  Has had both eyes operated on for cherry eyes, and has also had surgery twice for bladder stones (they shouldn't be an issue anymore as they have surgically cut him a larger "exit hole"--I apologize I don't know the medical term for this).  He is neutered.  He is 4 years old now.  He is due for vaccinations in the next month or so.  Our other bulldog is not showing any sort of symptoms at all.  Thanks for your help :)

While I can't diagnose anything for you Kieran, it looks like he is having an allergic reaction to something. Could be the cucumber, more than likely it's from some kind of bug bite.

You could give him a Benadryl but you should have a vet look at him tomorrow if these haven't resolved. He can give you something to keep on hand for emergencies in case he has a severe reaction to something.

You should get him on a reduced calorie diet as well to drop some of that weight. That will help with his breathing and his reactions to things as well.

These types of allergic reactions are very common in dogs, but they can't be ignored. They can become very serious.

Hot spots are not from living in a hot area. They are from infections of the skin secondary to irritations from fleas etc, which lead to scratching and chewing, which lead to the infections. Hot spots need to be shaved, cleaned and dried out with medications. They too, can become very serious.

I hope this helps and that he feels better soon!