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dogs skin

18 14:04:34

Hi I have a 17yr old male dachshund and I noticed that he had a small hard zit like bump on his rump. He was not acting like it hurt him or anything, to be honest I don't think he noticed it at all.. I squeezed the bump and a small amount of blackish greyish gunk came out. He still didn't act like it was hurting him even while I squeezed it. Im wondering if you have any ideas why he got this zit thing and if I should be concerned? Or is this just a normal part of him getting old?

It does sound a little like a sebaceous cyst, but if it does come back I would ask your vet to investigate. You are right, it's a little like a pimple.

Has he had a history of lumps and bumps in the past?


Dr. Eloise Cotton