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My Dogs Hair

18 15:14:59

Hi, we went camping about 3 weeks ago. After we got home we gave the dog a bath to clean all the dirt off her from being outside all the time. We noticed a dark spot that looks wet but it's not, the size of a 1/2 dollar and a few other smaller specks on her hair. I noticed that she's trying to bite & scratch the area but can't reach it, This seems to be spreading a lot and we don't know what we should do? The skin looks fine but there are SOME dandruff like stuff between the hair. I have kids and would like to know if this is something bad or contagious? My dog is a Beagle mix that we got at the rescue and she's never had any problems before this.

Hi Ana - Sounds like she needs some good supplements and oils.  I can help -  If the area gets much larger, you may want to call your local vet.  I don't think this sounds like mange...
I don't think it will be a problem for the children.

She may have an over growth of yeast in her system along with dry skin.  Please put her on some NuVet Plus - This is the best skin supplement and allergy fighter in the USA.  Loads of Beagles are on NuVET plus for the same type of problem.  NuVET is guaranteed to help or they will refund you.
Here is the link - Make sure you tell them Marie Peppers is your nutritional consultant/ order code 81098 /  They can't sell to the public without a code from a Vet or breeder.

Also, here is a great supplement for the yeast, give one to her every day... order here:
Excellent company, too!


Contact Marie if you need any help:  ( 907 ) 373-5711


Give 1 or 2 per day  - mix into food or hide in cheese....

Please pick A or B

A.  ( 1 per day)

OR ,
B.  (1 Per day)

Let me know how my suggestions help your baby..

Marie Peppers