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Cat abseses

18 15:53:39

My cat got in a fight this weekend and his cheek is extremely swollent. One of the two wounds is open and leaking blood/puss.  Can this be treated at home, or does he need to be seen right away?  Will he need antibiotics?  

I have tried cleaning the wounds with Isopropyl alcohol, but very hard to get to the wound by his mouth.

Any advice you can give is appreciated.  

Hi Theresa!  Yes, your kitty will definitely need to be seen by a veterinarian.  As soon as pus is seen, this is indicating infection.
Alcohol will burn like crazy, so until you can get him to the vet, clean the wound with some Hydrogen Peroxide.
Your veterinarian will clip the area where the wounds are and clean them out with Novescan (a surgical cleaning solution) and apply antibiotic ointment to the wounds.  You will also be sent home with oral antibiotics and the antibiotic ointment to treat at home.
I hope this helps and I hope your kitty is feeling much better very soon!