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Dog Drool

18 14:49:03

Hello. I have a six month old pug and she hasn't had any health problems at all since I got her this past June. She is completely up-to-date with all her shots and everything like that too. My question to you is: what could cause her to start having some HEAVY drooling? She was fine this morning and she was sitting on my lap like she always does and when she moved I felt something wet on my leg. I actually thought she threw-up, but it turned out to be a large puddle of drool. She has NEVER had a "drool problem" before. I guess she's what you might call a "dry dog". I am concerned about this. It seems to be most noticeable when she gets up from resting/sleeping. She had no problem eating this evening and she has also had a few of her "cookies" today and she had no trouble eating them either. I am worried that their might be something wrong even though she is acting normal otherwise.  What do you think might be going on with her? Should I bring her to the vet asap? Thanks for your time!

No you don't need to rush her to the vets. Pugs on the whole are not droolers but all animals have a few that are "emotional droolers." That is, they will drool when they are being petted or smell something new or have a new incidence of something in their life.

Now at 6 months she should be getting in her canines and that could cause her to drool just like a baby will drool while teething.

If it continues or gets worse, then you should have the vet look at her teeth. Short nosed breeds like Pugs have more issues with teeth then dogs with regular faces. That way you can be sure that all her adult ones are on correctly but more importantly, that all her baby ones came out!! That is the biggest problem we see.

Easy on the cookies with her also- that is what makes these dogs fat very quickly. And a fat Pug is one with breathing problems.