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Red Eyelids in Cat

18 14:42:47

I've discovered that a cat I would like to adopt has red eyelids. What does this mean? Is this anything to be alarmed about? (It caught my attention, this is why I am concerned for her health.)

ANSWER: I am not sure I understand what part of the eyelids you are talking about. What color is this cat? What part of the eye are you looking at? Cat eyelids are usually colored like the cat- and they don't have much of an 'eyelid' per se. Is it the inside of the eye near the nose? Is it the lower lids?
Can you send me a photo or describe what you are looking at?

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Sorry for the lack of detail in my question.

The cat is an orange tabby, approximately 6 mos. old. He is 1/2 white and 1/2 orange. The part of the eyelid I am talking about is the inner lid. Think of a women who wears eyeliner. The part she puts the eyeliner on (that little rim/ridge touching the eye) is red. Could this maybe be from allergies or a more chronic condition? I don't have a picture at the moment.

Thank you for the quick reply.

If just the rim of the lid is red it could just be because the cat is a red tabby, which is what I suspected when you wrote. Allergies usually manifest in itching, dry skin, scabs on the skin, etc.

Cats do have reactions to things like kitty litter perfumes, etc, but the eye would most likely be tearing, the whites would be red and the eye might have a opaque discharge.

What you are seeing, in the event that this cat has none of the above, is normal- unless it is fire engine red.

You have a free vet visit with most adoptions (if that is where he is) so the vet can look at his eyes and tell you if there is an issue.

I hope that helps! He sounds like a cutie.