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heavy blood loss in nursing bitch

18 15:03:17

my 4 year old bullmastiff bitch had her first litter of just two puppies 4 days ago. One of her placentas didn't come away until day 2 and she is now bleeding quite heavily, I am having to change the papers in the whelping box every 2 or 3 hours. There is no foul smell and she is eating and drinking ok, but I am worried that she is bleeding too much. How much is normal?

Audrey -

Some blood/meconium loss is expected after whelping. Check her gums to see if she is pale. If the gums look white, then she needs to be seen by a veterinarian immediately.  If the gums are pink and the blood loss is slowing down, take her to be examined in first thing in the morning.

I am always concerned about blood loss; it is difficult to determine the amount of blood loss without seeing your pet and her whelping area.

Best Regards,

Charlotte Sherrell, DVM