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Puppy has knot size of golf ball on head.

18 14:10:37

My pit bull puppy was given to me after she was attacked by a older male pit bull. She has some scars on face and a golf ball size lump on head that seemed to be going down until she was playing the other day and ran into the door. She seems to see and hear ok and listens well to discipline. She does whine when she scratches it but other that that I'm ur worried it may be something serious that she needs to be seen for. What would you recommend I do and how can I help her heal if it's not serious? Thanks

I would take him into the vets and have it looked at. It could be a big clot of blood under there from the trauma of being bit.

If it's left alone it might go down but it will leave a huge knot and could get infected.

Have your vet stick a needle in it and see what's in it.

That's my recommendation.