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Our Dog

18 14:31:33

My sister & I recently moved to Roseburg Oregon and it seems our 16 (going on 17) year old dog (Chihuahua/Papillon mix) has allergy problems.  She does a lot of wheezing, sneezing, snorting, coughing and scratching (hot spots). Some times it sounds like she's having a hard time breathing and/or catching her breath.  Is there anything we can give and/or do for her to help?
Thank you
Sandy & Sherry

There are a lot of new plants that she is being exposed to in Roseburg. One of the largest ones there is the Scotch Broom plant (bright yellow flowers and they are all over the roads).

If her breathing is being affected you need to get her to the vets but for common allergens she will need antihistamines just like humans do.

Hot spots also should be treated at the vets so you need to get her in for a total check up and to get her some relief. Some vets will send them home with steroids (prednisone) to help relieve the breathing and inflammatory responses she is having.

A dog her age could also be having some heart issues so it's best all the way around for you to find her a vet and get her in for an exam.