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Runny stool, vomiting,

18 15:16:51

our Pom "Snoball"
our Pom "Snoball"  
QUESTION: Our Pomeranian is female and 3 years old. For the last day or two she has been basically normal except for a loose stool and occassional vomiting of clear liquid. Her nose is cold, and does eat but not as much as she did. We gave her some sugar water to help sooth the stomach last night. This morning when I woke up i noticed that the runs were back and very dark with what looks like a blood mix. She seems to be fine this morning following us around the house ... Do you believe that chicken and rice diet you had mentioned before will help? Do you think we should get her into the vet anyways? She has a very sensitive stomach and does not tolerate a lot of junk before she gets sick.... any advice ?please help !

ANSWER: Rick -

Take your dog to be evaluated by a veterinarian. Stools that are dark and tarry need immediate attention.

Her doctor may request a fecal exam and bloodwork to help diagnose the source of her intestinal discomfort.

Best Regards,

Charlotte Sherrell, DVM

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thanks so much for the quick response. Actually our poms stool was getting better, the runny stool was dark but very liquid and not tarry, with a trace of blood this morning. we have kept her on her normal diet and she ate a portion of a dog biscuit last night, could this of aggravated her all ready weak stomach? could we have caused her more harm than good? She is drinking water mixed with sugar, she has thrown the water mixture back up, but has no problem drinking again. Feeding her Rice and chicken would be a good thing ? Or hold food from her except liquids for the time being? until we can call the local vet Monday anything will help!

again thanks for the advice


Rick -

Is she throwing up food soon after you have given it to her?  If so, allow her stomach to rest.  Withhold food from her, but allow her to drink small amounts of water if she needs to. I don't recommend adding sugar to the water, either.  Just give her plain water if she appears to be thirsty.  

Call your vet's office in the morning to find out the next step.  He/she may request bloodwork and radiographs.  If they cannot see her tomorrow, ask her veterinarian  if you should continue to withhold food.

Best Regards,

Charlotte Sherrell, DVM