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dog pregnancy

18 14:38:43

"hello there.
my problem is about my dog having false pregnancy, i think
this is the 2nd time she had. In fact, we expected puppies
this month but i think she's not pregnant because there's no
milk secretion in her breast. Last july, we also think she's
pregnant but still she isn't, what's the problem? how can I
help her? Is there a problem in her? will i expect in her
next menstruation a false pregnancy again??
Please give me some advice that could help my dam.
Thank you, love lots...God Bless.""

Well Ivan, not all dogs are meant to have puppies I guess. You need to take her to a vet and have her looked at inside and out. Maybe she doesn't produce enough hormones to sustain a pregnancy once she is bred.

Maybe she has brucellosis, which is a bacterial infection that causes the bitches to absorb and/or abort their litters. Maybe the stud has it.

There are so many variables here that you need to have a vet do some xrays of her and some blood work to see what kind of health she is in and her hormone levels.

There is nothing else you can do. Her age could have something to do with it also, but you didn't say how old she is. Dogs should not be bred until they are two and not after 7 years of age.

Hope that helps!!