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Coccidiosis & Hookworm

18 14:31:31

My 12 year old indoor cat recently became sick with diarrhea, she was diagnosed with Coccidiosis & Hookworm. Before she was put on medication she has accidents all over the house on the carpeting. I spot cleaned the carpet with toilet cleaner & Lysol. My question is can these parasites live in the carpeting? Can my cat become reinfected by the carpet?

Coccidiosis is notoriously hard to remove from the environment, but not impossible. Cats most definitely can and do re-infect themselves with it. Now if she got it outside, she is less likely to become re-infected if you leave her in the house. But as you said, she had accidents all over.

The best thing to do is either rent a carpet shampooer that will use VERY hot water or have your carpets steam cleaned. That is one of the best way to kill this protozoan. Hookworms are much easier to kill the eggs of. If it will kill the coccidia, it will kill the hookworms.

Lysol will only help a small amount and I have never heard of anyone using toilet cleaner on a carpet.

The only way to really clean it is to get it steamed cleaned or do it yourself with a steam cleaner.